Title Norwegian Earth System Model (low resolution) Pre-Industrial simulation
Domain: Natural sciences, Field: Earth science, Subfield: Geophysics
Published 2016-11-22
Zhongshi Zhang
Petra Langebroek
Kerim Nisancioglu
Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen (GEO/UiB)
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR)
Uni Research Climate (Uni Research Climate)
Dataset (73.5 GB)
Norwegian Earth System Model (low resolution). netcdf 3 format. Technical details: Production machine: Cray XE6 in Bergen (hexagon). Model source: projects EU FP7 project Past4Future and BCCR SKD project DYNAWARM. Model components: atmosphere=CAM4; ocean=MICOM; land=CLM4; sea ice=CICE4; coupler=CLP7. Horizontal resolution: atmosphere/land=3.75x3.75 degree; ocean/sea ice=~3 degree. Output frequency: monthly. Use: PI simulation (N1950), only atm&ocn files saved; simulation uses modern land-sea distribution, topography and bathymetry, ice sheets and vegetation. PI simulation forced by PI GHG concentrations, zero levels of CFCs, and orbital parameters set to the year 1950. These files comprise model output from model year 901-1000, when the simulation is close to equilibrium.
Science publication
Published : DOI: doi:10.5194/gmd-5-523-2012, URL: http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/5/523/2012/, Citation: Zhang, Z. S., Nisancioglu, K., Bentsen, M., Tjiputra, J., Bethke, I., Yan, Q., Risebrobakken, B., Andersson, C., and Jansen, E.: Pre-industrial and mid-Pliocene simulations with NorESM-L, Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 523-533, doi:10.5194/gmd-5-523-2012, 2012. (primary)
Rights Holder
Petra Langebroek
Data Manager
Christophe Yves Bernard
Bjerknes Climate Data Centre (BCDC)
Christophe Yves Bernard
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